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Our KARATE system comes from Various Styles. Mostly - HAWAIIAN KENPO - KAJUKENBO - and - SHOTOKAN. Galius Martial Arts) is afilliated with the Galius Martial Arts Freestyle Karate in Haleiwa, Hawaii, The "Style” is Kenpo and Kajukenbo from C.H.A.3 (CENTRAL HAWAIIAN ACTIVITIES 3 KENPO BROTHERHOOD ASSOCIATION KENPO.




has also been appropriated as a modern term: a name for multiple martial arts that developed in Hawaii due to cross-cultural exchange between practitioners of Okinawan martial arts, Chinese martial arts, Filipino martial arts, Japanese martial arts and multiple additional influences.[4] In the United States, kenpo is often referred to as Kenpo Karate. Kenpo is a Japanese unarmed fighting art that was brought from China to Japan about 700 years ago by the Yoshida Clan and was quickly adopted by the Komatsu Clan. The word Kenpo means literally, "Fist Law," and also refers to its Chinese origin. The Japanese adaptation of this Chinese style was well suited to defend against the various unarmed Japanese martial arts of the 12th century. Few modifications were required for Kenpo to overcome the new unarmed systems that developed over the next 7 centuries that came to be known as Karate (Japanese of "Empty Hand"). But for the Yoshida and Komatsu Clans who developed their art into a truly Japanese style, the term was simply Kenpo. During this same period the Chinese system from which Kenpo was derived underwent so many changes that, while most of the Kenpo techniques can be found scattered among the hundreds of Chinese fighting systems, there is no single system in China today that resembles Kenpo.

"Chinese Kenpo" is a term coined by Ed Parker in 1960, when he found there was no kung fu style that resembled Kenpo. But adding Chinese forms and Chinese terms did not change the nature or Japanese origin of Kenpo. It has, however, imbued the "Chinese connection" with an "ignorance is bliss" mentality. One of Ed Parkers students at the time was Jerry Meyers who went on to train with Bruce Lee and Danny Inosanto, and combined their style with Kenpo to make it a true Chinese Kenpo style.

90 years ago Kenpo was so well known as an effective fighting art in Japan that many Japanese styles that had no connection with Kenpo claimed their art was derived from Kenpo. Some even went so far as to claim their masters had training directly under Chinese Kenpo masters. Similar claims have continued to this day, even though there has never been a Chinese Kenpo master; nor has there been a master of the Chinese style that gave rise to Kenpo in centuries. What's even more ridiculous are the Korean schools that claim to teach Kenpo as part of Tai Kwon Do. This Chinese Kenpo is not to be confused with the styles developed by Kenpo students who went on to train with Bruce Lee and created their own systems of Chinese Kenpo.

Kenpo is firmly undogmatic, and as such its techniques vary depending upon the preference of the practitioner and the instructor. However, certain characteristics are common to nearly all forms of kenpo.


  • Kenpo is a system of self-defence. Its techniques are almost entirely counters; typical schools of kenpo do not teach its students how to attack people.
  • Kenpo is not about fighting. A Kenpo practitioner does not "feel out" his opponent. Once the kenpo practitioner is attacked, his aim is to end the fight however he can as quickly and efficiently as possible.
  • Kenpo is set apart from many other martial arts by the sheer size of its curriculum. This varies, of course, from school to school, but several forms and defences against strikes, weapons, and grabs, are required to advance in rank.
  • Kenpo employs a belt ranking system, similar to those of Karate and Judo.
  • Kenpo is almost exclusively a stand-up martial art, using various hand strikes, kicks, elbows, knees, throws, and joint locks in some cases.




is an American hybrid martial art. The name Kajukenbo is a portmanteau of the various arts from which its style is derived: KA for Karate and Tang Soo Do Korean Karate, JU for Judo and Jujutsu, KEN for Kenpo and BO for Western and Chinese Boxing.[2][3][4] It was developed in the late 1940s and founded in 1947 in the Palama Settlement of Oahu, Hawaii. The art was created through the cooperative efforts of five martial artists, each with a different specialty: Peter Choo, Frank Ordonez, Joe Holck, Clarence Chang and Adriano Emperado.[5] Kajukenbo training incorporates a blend of striking, kicking, throwing, takedowns, joint locks and weapon disarmament.[6] Today, Kajukenbo is practiced all over the world in many different branches.[7] In contrast to many traditional martial arts, students are not required to mimic their teacher, but are encouraged to develop their own "expression" of the art.

Kajukenbo was founded in 1947 in the Palama Settlement on Oahu, Hawaii. In the late 1940s, the Palama Settlement was a violent area. Due to this environment, five martial artists from varying backgrounds came together with the goal of developing an art that would be practical and effective on the street. These founders sought to develop one style that would complement each of their individual styles and yet allow for effective fighting at a greater variety of ranges and speeds.

Kajukenbo continues to evolve with each generation and maintains its primary focus on realism and practicality. There are usually martial arts schools that will change along with time to fit into the day's society. It is generally thought that "unfair" moves, such as strikes to the eyes or groin, are perfectly acceptable, as is whatever else the practitioner feels is necessary to get home that day.

Training workouts emphasize cardio conditioning and functional strength. While individual schools may show variation, it would not be unusual to train with sandbags or boxing gloves. There are core self-defense techniques at the heart of Kajukenbo and Kajukenbo schools eschew impractical and flashy moves. Most kajukenbo curricula feature counter-attacks to punches, kicks, grabs, as well as using knives, sticks and guns to counter back. While this base of common knowledge will keep schools' styles similar, there is plenty of room for variation. This openness tends to encourage schools to incorporate other arts into their practice. The primary concentration of all Kajukenbo schools remains real world self-defense, because protecting one's self in a street-fighting situation is primary.

The system is designed for Self Defense utilizing 5 martial arts: Karate Judo Jujitsu Kenpo and Kung fu. The self defense techniques created were tested out on the street for the effectiveness if the technique did not work, the founders would not put it into the system. Therefore, at one point all of the original self defense techniques were put to the test.

The system is designed to condition the student for street combat. The original method of Kajukenbo / Kajukembo was tough and hard on the student. The students received there “Training” more like Beatings to understand the true nature of self defense. Sijo Emperado the founder of the system is quoted as saying "Make pain your friend." He intended the training to be street effective and if you were afraid of pain you wouldn’t last on the street. The training was as realistic as it could get. Broken bones and busted out teeth, were the norm. Sijo would sometimes lock the doors to the training hall and not open them until he witnessed blood on the floor.

The Hawaiian’s wanted to create a tough and skill full system of combat. At the time there goal wasn’t how many students they could get in the door it was to teach the students that walked in how to survive from an attack. Once you were accepted you became a part of the “Ohana” or Family. Kajukenbo and Kajukembo are still practiced today with the same training and Defensive mind set.

Kajukenbo is and will always be a strong and effective Martial art.

The system uses Black Gi’s or (Uniform) for training. There are many reasons quoted for the use of the Black Gi. One Kajukembo master was quoted as saying, “If you attack a Kajukenbo stylist, we are ready dressed to attend your funeral”, and "it’s hard to see Blood on a Black GI." The truth is back in the 50’s there were only white uniforms and the white uniform was a symbol of the Japanese systems and Korean systems. Sijo Emperado wanted his system to be recognized differently so he elected to use the black uniform to make a statement, if you wore Black uniform then your represented a Kajukenbo / Kenpo system. Black uniforms were unavailable to purchase, so allot of the Kajukenbo schools would purchase white gi and Dye them Black. Traditional Kajukenbo/Kajukembo schools today wear the solid Black uniform. This is to pay respect to our traditional foundation of Kajukenbo / Kajukembo Kenpo Karate.

The Kajukenbo system is a system of Self Defense. The system trains the student for attacks against grabs, punching and kicking attacks or with the intent of a bladed or blunt weapon attack. The system requires contact conditioning both to learn how to give and to receive contact. Sore muscles, bruises are something of common occurrences when attending a Kajukenbo school. The one thing you can be sure of with Kajukenbo / Kajukembo training you will have the confidence and knowledge to defend yourself.




is a style of karate, developed from various martial arts by Gichin Funakoshi (1868–1957) and his son Gigo (Yoshitaka) Funakoshi (1906–1945).

In 1936, the first Karate Dojo or school was opened in Japan by Master Gichin Funakoshi’s students. It was called “Shotokan”, after Master Funakoshi’s pen name. Shoto- Pen name given to the Master for his poetry, and calligraphy, denoting the sound of the wind blowing through pines, and kan meaning house. The name of the style which he then taught, became known as “SHOTOKAN” Shotokan is characterized by its powerful and linear techniques coupled with deep strong stances which were developed to accommodate the larger physical statures of the Japanese practitioners.

Shotokan Karate originated in Okinawa, a small island south of Japan. It was popularized in Japan by Gichin Funakoshi in the 1950s. The name "Shotokan" comes from the name "Shoto," which was Funakoshi's pen name.

Shotokan training is usually divided into three parts: kihon (basics), kata (forms or patterns of moves), and kumite (sparring). Techniques in kihon and kata are characterized by deep, long stances that provide stability, enable powerful movements, and strengthen the legs. Shotokan is regarded as a dynamic martial art as it develops anaerobic, powerful techniques as well as developing speed. Initially strength and power are demonstrated instead of slower, more flowing motions. Those who progress to brown and black belt level develop a much more fluid style that incorporates grappling, throwing and some aikido-like techniques, which can be found even in basic kata.[6] Kumite (fighting) techniques are practised in the kihon and kata and developed from basic to advanced levels with an opponent.

(Shotokan) Principals


  • Never forget: Karate begins and ends with rei. Rei has the meaning of respect.
  • There is no “first hand” in Karate. (Meaning there is no first attack, karate is about self-defense)
  • Karate supports righteousness.
  • First understand yourself, then understand others.
  • The art of mind is more important than the art of technique.
  • The mind needs to be freed.
  • Trouble is born of negligence.
  • Do not think that Karate is only in the dojo.
  • The training of Karate requires a lifetime.
  • Transform everything into Karate; therein lies the exquisiteness.
  • Genuine Karate is like hot water; it cools down if you do not keep heating it.
  • Do not have an idea of winning, while the idea of losing is not necessary.
  • Transform yourself according to the opponent.
  • The outcome of the fight all depends on the maneuver.
  • Imagine one’s arms and legs as swords.
  • Once you leave the shelter of home there are a million enemies.
  • Postures are for the beginner, later they are natural positions.
  • Do the kata correctly, the real fight is a different matter.
  • Do not forget the dynamics of power, the elasticity of the body, and the speed of technique.
  • Always be good at the application of everything you have learned.



PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING The Kali sticks in the FMA is a very effective weapon. Accuracy is the main ingredient in the Galius Martial Arts School. The students are taught to strike the vital areas of an opponent. (i.e., eyes, throat, groin, hands, legs, head) to disable an opponent.

The baston in the Filipino martial arts is a very effective weapon. Accuracy is the main ingredient in the Galius Martial Arts School. The students are taught to strike the vital areas of an opponent, (i.e., eyes, throat, groin, hands, legs, head) to disable an opponent.


Timing and rhythm are also taught so the student can be fluid in his motion when using the 360 degree circle or 45 degree triangle to offset your opponent rhythm in order to counter attacks that are common from different angles. Bladed weapons such as the bolo and the daga are also taught in the Galius Martial Arts School as well as empty hand techniques. The baston is taught first before the bladed weapons because it is believed that transition from the sticks to the blade is much easier for the student to learn than vice versa. In general, the Galius Martial Arts School is dedicated to teaching men and women how to protect themselves and their loved ones from harm.










Our foundation SELF DEFENSE program is KALI. Advanced students may study KALI. The people of the Philippines have a long and honored martial tradition of defending themselves and their homeland. The Filipino Warrior Arts were taught as family protection systems from father to son, generation after generation, and as tribal arts for war. Always the focus was on developing skills quickly that could be used for real combat.  Most martial arts that we see today were developed in martial arts studios as a product or recreational program, or from sport competitions. The Filipino Martial Arts were developed by Warriors on the battlefield, the lessons learned from life-or-death combat. KALI has come to us relatively unchanged, and is still in use around the world in actual combat and is the foundation for military combatives around the world. As beautiful as it is effective, KALI is a fulfilling life-long activity that develops spiritual and mental strength, courage and self-reliance. The training of KALI is a beauty of action, fluidity, and quickness. However, when the techniques are applied it is shockingly effective. KALI is an ancient Filipino martial art that blends the best elements of Filipino grappling, Filipino kickboxing, and various traditional Filipino stick and knife fighting styles into a brilliantly conceived, versatile, and devastatingly effective martial art. From the beginning, students are exposed to double-stick, single-stick, stick and knife, knife, and empty-hand fighting combinations.




Filipino Martial Arts refer to ancient and newer fighting methods devised in the Philippines. It incorporates elements from both Western and Eastern Martial Arts, the most popular forms of which are known as Arnis, Eskrima and Kali. The intrinsic need for self-preservation was the genesis of these systems. Throughout the ages, invaders and evolving local conflict imposed new dynamics for combat in the islands now making up the Philippines. The Filipino people developed battle skills as a direct result of an appreciation of their ever-changing circumstances. They learned often out of necessity how to prioritize, allocate and use common resources in combative situations. Filipinos have been heavily influenced by a phenomenon of cultural and linguistic mixture. Some of the specific mechanisms responsible for cultural and martial change extended from phenomena such as war, political and social systems, technology, trade and of course, simple practicality.

Filipino martial arts have seen an increase in prominence due to several Hollywood movies...Today there are said to be almost as many Filipino fighting styles as there are islands in the Philippines. In 1972, the Philippine government included Filipino martial arts into the national sports arena. The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports also incorporated them into the physical education curriculum for high school and college students. Knowledge of the Filipino fighting skills is mandatory in the Philippine military and police. Filipino Martial Arts are considered the most advanced practical modern blade system in the world and are now a core component of the U.S. Army's Modern Army Combatives program[1][2][3] and used by the Russian Spetsnaz (special forces).,[4][5][6]Government of India used Filipino Martial Arts to train their Para (Indian Special Forces) of Indian Army, National Security Guard, MARCOS of Indian Navy and Commandos of Central Armed Police ForcesFilipino martial artists are noted for their ability to fight with weapons or empty hands interchangeably and their ability to turn ordinary household items into lethal weapons. Weapons-training takes precedent because they give an edge in real fights, gears students to psychologically face armed opponents, and any object that can be picked up can be used as a weapon using FMA techniques. Empty hands training is then taught as the stick is merely an extension of the hand. Another thing to note is that the Philippines is a blade culture. The Southern Philippines with the Moros were never really conquered by the Spaniards and the Americans; nor the Northern mountains of Luzon with their feared headhunter tribes so they kept their weapons and their fighting skills. For the more "civilized" provinces and the towns where citizens had been "disarmed", bolos (a cutting tool similar to the machete) and other knife variants are still commonly used for general work (farming in the provinces, chopping wood, coconuts, controlling talahib (sword grass), which could grow higher than roofs if not cut, etc.) and of course, the occasional bloody fight. Production of these weapons still survives and there are a few who still make some. In the province of Aklan, Talibongs are still being made in the remote areas.[7] Until the 80s, balisong knives were still commonly used in the streets of Manila as general purpose pocket knives much like Swiss army knives or box cutters until new laws on allowable kinds of knives made it illegal to carry them in public without a permit or proof that it was a vital to one's livelihood (e.g. Martial arts instructor, vendor). They're still openly sold in their birthplace of Batangas, in the streets of Quiapo, souvenir shops and martial arts stores, wielded by practitioners and of course, street gangs. Thus, even when fighting systems were outlawed by the Spaniards, Filipinos still maintained their centuries-old relationships with blades and blade fighting techniques that survive from ancient times and are still much alive as they have been adapted and evolved to stay relevant and practical in colonial and modern times. What separates Filipino Martial Arts from other weapon-based martial arts like Japanese Kendo & Kenjutsu, European Fencing and traditional Chinese Martial arts that teach the usage of classical Chinese weapons is that FMA teaches weapon use that is practical today: how to use and deal with weapons that one can actually encounter in the streets and how to turn ordinary items into improvised weapons. No one walks around with sabers, katanas or jians anymore, but knives, machetes and clubs are still among commonly encountered weapons on the street and in the field, thus making FMA very practical and geared towards military and street fighting. Traditional weaponry varies in design, size, weight, materials, and the way these weapons are used. But because of similar techniques Filipinos can use any object and turn it into a weapon by a Filipino martial artist as a force multiplier.


Filipino Martial Arts (Kali) is an extremely effective and battle-tested weapons-based system. It has been utilized in different military/government combat training camps, including Navy Seals, Marines, CIA, FBI, DEA. It has also been widely used in many popular action movies such as: The Bourne Identity, Supremacy, Ultimatum & Legacy (Matt Damon) Mission Impossible 4 (Tom Cruise) Resident Evil (Milla Jollovich) The Book Of Eli (Denzel Washington) Spartacus (Showtime Series) Star Wars (Episodes I, II & III) There is a major reason this art was used in the movies above: because it works. Not only does it look good on camera, but it’s effectivness isbattle-tested in real life situations. Books, keys, pens, and other everyday props can become very dangerous weapons in the hands of a trained Kali student. Kali stems from the Phillipines and has many different arts/forms. Galius Martial Arts - KALI was taught to us by Professor Greg Lontayao of the Lontayao Martial Arts Organization of Kali, The "Style of Kali" is Villabrille-Largusa System of Kali.

What Our Kali Classes Will Teach You:

The bulk of your training in this art will be with weapons such as the stick, knife, and staff. We also teach various empty hand systems that are taken from this dynamic and functional art such as Panantukan (Filipino Boxing) .The training methods of the Filipino Martial Arts will increase your empty hand skills by supercharging such attributes as coordination, reflexes, perception, and awareness.

As mentioned above, everyday props such as car keys, keys, pens, your umbrella and even the jacket your wearing are all potentially effective self defense weapons in the hand of a skilled Filipino Martial Arts practitioner. Our Kali classes teach you to utilize anything and everything to your advantage should the situation ever arise. There is no substitute for the confidence that comes from knowing you can handle what ever may happen.

Unique, Functional Skills:

Fighting with and against weapons is substantially different from unarmed fighting. A person can block a punch or a kick using their arm as a shield or cover. The same cannot be safely done against a machete or knife attack and would also be unwise even against a stick. Therefore getting out of the way using footwork is of primary importance. Because the Filipino martial arts focus on armed fighting, the footwork in most kali and eskrima is unique, dynamic, and very effective.

Weapons create the opportunity for angles and methods of attack that are uncommon in unarmed fighting. But uncommon does not equal ineffective. The unarmed techniques in many FMAs come directly from armed techniques, leading to unexpected and functional applications. Training the unique footwork and weapon techniques of the FMAs will add another dimension to your skills. See my stick and sword page for video examples of stick and sword techniques combined with FMA footwork.

Kali students traditionally start their instruction by learning how to fight with weapons and only advance to empty-hand training once the stick and knife techniques have been sufficiently mastered. This is contrary to most other well-known Asian martial arts. Perhaps the reason is to condition students to fight against armed assailants since armed conflicts are common in the, in addition to the obvious fact that an armed person who is trained has the advantage over a trained or untrained unarmed attackers as well as a advantage over trained but unarmed person. Another explanation used by the old masters that is the principle that bare-handed moves are acquired naturally through the same exercises as the weapon techniques, making muscle memory an important aspect of the teaching. Most systems of Kali apply a single set of techniques for the stick, knife, and empty hands, a concept sometimes referred to as motion grouping. Since the weapon is seen as simply an extension of the body, the same angles and footwork are used either with or without a weapon. The reason for this is historical since tribal warriors went into battle armed and only resorted to bare-handed fighting after losing their weapons.

Many systems begin training with two weapons, either a pair of sticks or a stick and knife in order to develop the ability to use both hands independently and together, a skill which is valuable even when working with one weapon. A core concept and distinct feature of Filipino martial arts is the Live Hand. Even when a practitioner wields only one weapon, the extra hand is used to control, trap or disarm an opponent’s weapon and to aid in blocking, joint locking, and manipulation of the opponent body or, other simultaneous motions such as limb destruction with the live hand.

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